The digitalized Korean citizens as a result of the transition toward smart E-Governance

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Inha University, Incheon, South Korea



This paper will explain the transition from the electronic government into the smart e-governance in South Korea. According to MOSPA 2013a, there were seven stages for the transition from mid-1980 to 2011. However, this paper tries to add the eighth stage after the COVID-19 epidemic occurs in the world. How the South Korean government interacted with this crisis management from the electronic government scope. And how the Korean citizens proved that they became digitalized citizens. The human-computer interaction during the last decades resulted in digitalized citizens who can invent mobile applications to help the government track the Corona map for example. The more the usage of the internet and the digitalized electronic governmental services, the more the citizens became more aware of the measurement by the government. Electronic participation and e-democracy enable citizens to share their thoughts. According to the Myeong criteria smart e-governance produces or happens through the sharing of thoughts from the citizens. This study tried to examine the effect of the transition from e-government to e-governance on the Korean citizens who contributed to the transition toward smart e-governance during the COVID-19 time. As a result of the transition, the citizens got more familiar with the use of the internet as a daily life method of living style. The using of governmental websites is more and more than in any other nation in the world. As a result, the citizens became more knowledgeable and more

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